A Good Night's Sleep

Many people have trouble getting to sleep at night. Other people wake up often during the night. Still others wake up very early in the morning and can't get back to sleep again. These people all have Insomnia. That is, they dont sleep well. People with insomnia are very tired during the day and they are often unhappy, anxious, ar just sleepy. This may have a bad effect on their family life or their work. It can also be dangerous to other people. For example, a bus driver with insomnia may fall asleep while driving.

They are two tipes of insomnia. The first is coused by thoughts and feelings. It happens to almos everyone at some point. You may be worried about a problem, or you may be nervous about an exam. You keep thinking and thinking, and your brain won't go to sleep. But this usually doesn't last long. when the problem is solved or the exam is over, the insomnia usually goes away, too.

Many people have trouble getting to sleep at night. Other people wake up often during the night. Still others wake up very early in the morning and can't get back to sleep again. These people all have Insomnia. That is, they dont sleep well. People with insomnia are very tired during the day and they are often unhappy, anxious, ar just sleepy. This may have a bad effect on their family life or their work. It can also be dangerous to other people. For example, a bus driver with insomnia may fall asleep while driving.

They are two tipes of insomnia. The first is coused by thoughts and feelings. It happens to almos everyone at some point. You may be worried about a problem, or you may be nervous about an exam. You keep thinking and thinking, and your brain won't go to sleep. But this usually doesn't last long. when the problem is solved or the exam is over, the insomnia usually goes away, too.

The second tipe of insomnia has physical couses. You may be drinking too much coffee or tea. Even a small amount of coffee can couse insomenia in some people. Your evening meal habits can also effect your sleep. A large meal late in the evening can keep you awake. A lot of alcohol in the evening is also not a good idea. It may help you fall asleep, but latter you may not sleep well. Smoking is another habist that can couse insomnia. In fact, the nicotine in cigaretes wakes you up.
In general, You will sleep better if you lead a healthy life. Exercise is good for your health in general, and it helps you get a good night's sleep. A regular bedtime and waking time are also important. It's easier for your body to fall asleep at about the same time every night.

In addition, think about your bedroom. Is it really a good place to sleep? there are many things to check. First of all, you should check your bed. Is it really comfortable for you? It shouldn't be too hard or too soft. The temperature of the room is also important. A cool room is better for sleeping than a warm room. Finnaly, there shouldn't be too much light and noise. Some people can sleep in the middle of a brightly lit, noisy room. But most people sleep better in a dark, quite place. Please enjoy it and try ^-^ ...
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The first kind of air transportation was not a plane. It was balloon. People traveled by balloon a hundred years before there were planes or jet aircraft. Those early days of ballooning were exciting, but they were also dangerous. Sometimes the balloons fell suddenly. Sometimes they burned. However, the danger did not stop the balloonists.

The first real balloon flight was in france in 1783. Two Frenchmen, the Montgolfier brothers, made a balloon. They filled a very large cloth bag with hot air. Hot air is lighter than cold air, so it goes up. The Montgolfier's hot air balloon went up 1000 feet in the sky.

The first kind of air transportation was not a plane. It was balloon. People traveled by balloon a hundred years before there were planes or jet aircraft. Those early days of ballooning were exciting, but they were also dangerous. Sometimes the balloons fell suddenly. Sometimes they burned. However, the danger did not stop the balloonists.

The first real balloon flight was in france in 1783. Two Frenchmen, the Montgolfier brothers, made a balloon. They filled a very large cloth bag with hot air. Hot air is lighter than cold air, so it goes up. The Montgolfier's hot air balloon went up 1000 feet in the sky.

Later that same year, two other Frenchmen ascended in a basket under a balloon. They built a fire under the balloon to make the air hot. This made the balloon stay up in the air for a few hours. But their balloon was tied to the ground. So it could not go anywhere.

The First free balloon flight was in December 1783. The balloon flew for twenty-five minutes over Paris. It traveled about five and one half miles. Flying a balloon is not like flying a plane. The balloons has no engines and therefore no power of its own. The wind direct the balloon. It goes where the wind blows. The pilot can control only the altitude of the balloon. They can raise and lower the balloon to find the right wind direction. That is how a good pilot controls where the balloon goes.

Soon balloonists tried longer flights. A major event in the story of ballooning was the first long flight over water. In 1785, an American and a Frenchmen flew over the English Channel. They left England on a cold, clear January day. After about an hour, their balloon began descend toward the water. They threw out some equipment and food to make the balloon lighter. The balloons continued to fall, so they threw out almost everything in the basket- even some of their clothes. Finally after about three hours, they landed in france, cold but safe.

During the nineteenth century, ballooning became a popular sport. There were balloon races in europe. Balloons were also used by scientists to study the air and by armies in wartime. After the airplane was invented, people lost interest in ballons. Planes were much faster and easier to control. But some people today still like to go up in balloons. High up in the balloon basket, they find quiet. They have a wonderful view of the world below.
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do pigeons take a train???

Pigeons are smart birds. They are good at finding places. They can find their way home from many miles away. Scientists are not sure how pigeons know their way, but they do. They almost never get lost. Can pigeons find their way under the ground?? Some underground passengers in tokyo say that they see pigeons on the underground trains. And they know where they will leave the train.

Why do the pigeons get on the trains? some people say that the pigeons are not looking for food. Tokyo is a big city, the pigeons are tired of flying and they do what people do. They take the train. What do the scientist think of this??? they say they must have some more information- but anything is possible with pigeons... Read The Cool Of This Entry »

I Touched You ^-^

Amr Moustafa

I touched you and forgot life
And you are the one I dream to live with one day
And tonight is the beginning
May you be with me
Tonight this lifetime of mine began

We gotta live
C’mon get closer
Let’s go to the most remote place darling
We’ll forget that which is out of our hands
We’ll live for the moment
What is inside us has manifested

Where did you go with your eyes
Yeah, you are beside me and I’ll live my years for you
My life, come closer to me, oh my life and eyes
We’ll live life if but for two days

( still remember this part?? )
I will and Always ...

with love,

th3_@nt Read The Cool Of This Entry »

Love DyaRi

First of All I wanna thanks to some one who give me a chance to have this beautiful Blog with love. Hope we will put all of our story in here and let All the one knows about us. Couse we are a part of the story of this world. Thanks God ^-^

" a friend in need is a friend in deed " (wise men said)

The day I met you. I found a friend and a friendship that I pray will never end. This friendship we share Is so precious to me. I hope it grows and flourishes and lasts un to infinity. Our friendship is one-in-a-million so let's hold on to it and each other. We cannot let this chance of pure bliss fly away for there will never be another. Just let me hold you in my Hug of the beautiful love in world. And promise me that you will not go anyway and leave me without your love.

Tokyo, July 3th 2009 Read The Cool Of This Entry »

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